Product Main


Dichlorofluoroethane R141B

Molecular weight: 116.95
BP, o C: 32.05
Ice point o C: -
Critical temperature, o C: 204.15
Critical pressure, Mpa: 4.25
Density of saturated liquid25o C, (g/cm3): 1.227
Specific heat of liquid 25o C, [KJ/ (Kgo C)]: 1.16
Solubility (water, 25 o C) %: 0.509
ODP: 0.086
GWP: 0.15
Critical density, g/cm3: 0.43
Vaporization heat under BP, KJ/Kg: 223.0

Packing: Steel drum (internal PVF coating) 235kg/200L, tank
Quality standard:
Purity%≥: 99.8
Moisture, PPm≤: 30(mg/kg)
Acidity, PPm≤: -
Residue on evaporation, PPm≤: -
Appearance: -
Odor: -

Used as purger and foamer, can replace R11 and R113.

Model NO.: R141B
Packing: 235kg/tank