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Specifications: Anthocyanidin 25% Bilberry (also called Actinium myrtillus) is a colorful, sweet bluish berry often found growing wild in both Europe and North America. It thrives best in acidic, moist soil. These bluish to black colored berries are amazingly healthful and have been used as natural medicines. Even the leaves are known to have medicinal effects. Benefits and Information on Bilberries:

1) Helping With Vision Problems - Studies have shown that the active compounds in bilberries, known as anthocyanosides, may decrease the rate of macular degeneration. It has been shown to prevent cataracts, glaucoma and poor night vision.

2) Treating Vascular & Blood Disorders - Bilberry has been used to treat varicose veins and angina. The flavonoids found in bilberries thin the blood and prevent fragility of the capillaries.

3) Alleviating Digestive Problems - Information on bilberries shows that it has long been used as a digestion aid as well as for treatment of diarrhea, nausea, dysentery and indigestion.

4)Bilberries have been used in the treatment of menstrual cramps and alleviating ulcers.Bilberries have also been utilized as an anti-inflammatory for the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.