Product Main


M Input of diversiform
Thermocouple(TC), Thermal Resistance (RTD),
Standard Current and Voltage Signal (Table B)
M Precision
Measurement Precision: ± 0.5%FS
Compensation error of the junction: ± 2º C(the software modification between
0~ 50º C can be done)
Resolution: 14 Bit
Sampling Time: 0.5 sec
M Displaying
Process Value (PV), Setting Value (SV): -1999-+9999
Output alarm auto-tuning state display: LED
M Control Modes
1\PID control (including ON/OFF, potential PID and successive PID)
2\Auto-tuning control
M Control Output
1\Current Output: DC 0-10mA, 4-20mA(RL<500Ω)
2\Voltage Output: DC 0-5V, 1-5V(RL>10K)
3\Relay Output: Contact capacity 250VAC 3A (dissipative load)
4\Voltage pusle output: 0-12V(it is suitable for solid-state relay)
5\Controllable SCR Output: Zero cross trigger or phase-shift trigger (dissipative load)
6\Alarm function output: It can output maximum two sets with 12 modes contact capacity output: 250VAC 3A (dissipative load)
M Setting Range
Setting Value (SV): Proportional process value (PV)
Proportional Band: 0-full scale (when setting o, the on/off control)
Integral Time: 0-3600 sec, (set o as the integral off)
Derivative Time: 0- 3600 sec, (set o as the derivative off)
Proportional Cycle: 1-100 sec.
Sluggish width of bit control output: 1-100&ordm; C (or other PV units)