Product Main


Molecular formula: ZnO
Molecular weight : 81.39
properties : white /slight yellow fine powder ;specific gravity :5.5-6.5;granularity : 0.15-0.7um , refractive index is 1.95-2.05 , specific heat in 20 ℃ 0.0915 ka. /g. ℃, melting point 1973 ℃, Zinc oxide evaporates in 1000 ℃ .
Standard: HHXPQB-YHX(HX)-2005
vulcanization accelerator , reinforcing agent ,
UV stabilizer, fast-dry ink, , desulfurizer
Packing, transportation and storage :
3-layer package, internal packing is 2-layer PE bag , size : 580 × 1100mm . external packing is PE woven bag , Net Wt. 50kg .
It should ve protected by covers when transportation , avoid rain, moisture, or mixed with acidic matter .
packed in dry and airiness place, no contact with acid and alkali ,In good condition, its valid period is an half year (the packing should be sealed), if expired, qualified product is still available .