Product Main


Molecular fromula:CH3NO2
Molecular weight:61.04
Physical and chemical properties
Colorless transparent oily light aromatic odor,relative density(d420)1.137, boiling point -28.55℃, refractive index (nd20)1.3819, searcely water-souble, may be mixed with orgaic dissoluents such as ethanot. aother,acctone and so on. It is intlammable, detonable, slightly poisonous, etc.

Application: This Product may be applied as solvent of pyroxylin, acetate, vinyl resin, polyacrylate coat, animal wax, etc. It may also be applied for synthesizing indoexplosives, rocket fuel, dyestuff, insecticide, bactericide, stabilizer, gasolineadditives, etc.
Paking: 225kg plastic barrel
Description Super quality Grade A Grade B
Nitromethane 99.5 99.0 98.0
Moisture 0.4 0.5 0.8
Free acid(in acetic acid) 0.03 0.05 0.4
Chroma(platinum/cobalt) 100
Density 1.135~1.138 1.130~1.1136 1.130~1.1136
Appearance color less transpanrent liquid color less transpanrent liquid color less transpanrent liquid
Packing Plastic barrel,225kg/barrel