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Cough medicine,cold medicine,herbal medicine
 Product Advantage
  • Ministry of Health of China recommends Sanjing Brand Shuanghuanlian oral liquid can unti-influenza virus effectively. It is listed in "the Plan of curing and preventing A/H1N1 Virus"by China Health Ministry.
  • Double effects of anti-bacteria and anti-viruses in one
  • kill flu and cold virus effectively and quickly
  • Three materials in the Traditional Chinese Medicines formula can be supplement for each other and support for each other, which exerts effective components to greatest degree.
  • withour side-effect
[Product name] Shuanghuanglian oral liquid
[Ingredients] Honeysuckle flower, Scutellaria root, Forsythia fruit
Introduction of effective composition
Honeysuckle Flower:
It contains cyanidenon, inositol, saponin and tannin. It has efficacies of heat-clearing and detoxicating.
Scutellaria Root:
 It contains baicalein, baicalin, wogonin, wogonoside and neobaicalein, and antipyrine benzoate, β- sitosterin. It has efficacies of reducing sthenia fire, dehumidifying stopping bleeding and anti-abortion.
Forsythia suspense:
It is the fruit of Oleaceae plant forsythia suspense. It contains forsythol, sterol compound, saponin and flavonol glycoside, resinol glycoside. It can relieve fever, deintoxication, eliminate stagnation and detumescence.
√  It has remarkable double effects of anti-bacteria and anti-viruses.
√  It is suitable for upper respiratory tract infection, influenza, tonsillitis, acute and chronic faucitis, bronchitis, viral pneumonia and so on caused by bacteria and viruses.
√  It is also effective for swollen sore throat caused by drinking to much, mouth and tongue ulcer, expectoration and other symptoms.
[Description] It is clear brown red liquid and taste sweet and a little bitter
[Usage and dosage] 2 vials each time, 3 times daily, oral liquid.
[Storage] Preserve in a tightly container away from direct light
[Package] 10ml/vial×10vials/box×90boxes/carton
[Carton size] 420mm×310mm×240mm
[Gross Weight] 19.5kg