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Gabions are enviroment friendly and cost effective when compared to other options. The inherent advantages of cost and the fact that Gabions withstand the rigors of the enviroment for very long periods of time have made the use widespread. 
Protector Gabion boxes & Mattresses are made of triple twist hexagonal woven mesh fabric. Protector Gabions stand out as the simple , efficient and economical solution , as the cages are simply filled with natural stone & also proven as environmentally friendly.
Protector Gabions have the following positive advantages :
Cost effective & environmentally friendly alternative to concrete system
 The Gabion structure blends easily and harmoniously with natural surroundings
Simple & speedy installation , using natural or quarried stones obtained locally
 Ability to deform without cracking allowing the structure to withstand any unpredictable movement or settlement without loss or stability
Higher resistance to natural forces due to better tensile strength
Majority of manpower need not to be skilled & speed at which the work is carried out is unparalleled in civil engineering, besides making it cost effective
 Easy of repair to any damaged cages, with minimal expense
The use of Gabions as retaining structures provides a low cost alternative to concrete or masonry retaining walls
Gabions are manufactured from both G. I. wires to BS1052 and PVC
Coated wires to BS1485 and AASHTO-M181 specifications. Principal
applications are as Channels, Rock fall, Roadside and Culverts protection
and many more purposes