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Standard FCC4
Structural formula: C9 H11O3 N
Speciific rotation [α] 20d: -11.3°- 12.3°
Tansmittance: not less than 95%
Chloride (Cl): not more than 0.04%
Lron (Fe): not more than 20PPM
Lead: not more than 10ppm
Heavy metals (Pb): not more than 0.003%
Arsenic (As2O3): not more than 1.5mg/kg
Other amino acid: Chromatographically not detectable
Residue on ignition: not more than 0.10%
Loss on drying: not more than 0.30%
Assay: 98.5 to 101.5% 
PH: 5.0 to 6.5