Electrosurgical Unit ,It can be suited various surgicall operations.The series adopted compensation technology automatically for output
item no: SF-S900K
pure cut or cut 5~300W(may provide type 5~400W)
blend 1 : 5~240W
blend 2: 5~200W
blend 3: 5~150W
desiccate: 5~200W
fulgurate or coag:. 5~150W
spray :5
bipolar :2~70W
use to various surgical operations of cutting coagulation to organism tissue.
disposable electrode pick out and buy active electrode
neutral electrode
bipolar electrode
voltage:220V ±22V,50Hz
working freguency 512kHz ±5%
loading intermittently,functioning continuously
leskage currents to ground less than 0.5mA