Product Main


Formic acid

Formula: HCOOH
Molecular weight 46.026
CAS No: 64-18-6

Physical and chemical property:
Formic acid is a kind of colorless, smoking, inflammable liquid with irritant odor and very strong corrosiveness and can be mixed with water, ethanol, diethyl ether and glycerine. Its Specific gravity: 1.2201 (20 ). Melting point: 8.3 Boiling point 100

1. Formic acid (90%)
Appearance: Colourless liquid
Purity: 90% min
Chroma (as platinum-cobalt): 10 max
Chloride (as CL): 0.003% max
Sulphate(as SO4): 0.001% max
Ferrous(as FE): 0.0004% max
Evaporation Residue: 0.006% max

2. Formic acid (85%)
Appearance: Colourless liquid
Purity: 85% min
Chroma (as platinum-cobalt): 10 max
Chloride (as CL): 0.005% max
Sulphate(as SO4): 0.002% max
Ferrous(as FE): 0.0005% max
Evaporation Residue: 0.02% max

Uses: Formic acid is a kind of basic material in organic chemicals. Itis widely used in pesticides industry, leather industry, medicine industry, rubber industray, printing and dyeing industry and chemical.