Product Main


Product: Wolfberry Extract
English Name: Wolfberry
Chinese Name: Gou Qi
Latin Name: Lycium chinense
Ingredients: Polysaccharides by UV

Content: Polycaccharides 40%, 50% UV
Appearance: Fine powder
Color: Dark Brown
Particle Size: NLT100%80mesh
Order: Characteristic
Taste: Characteristic
Moisture: 5%max
Heavy metal: 10ppm max
Pesticides: Negative
Total Plate Count: 1000cfu/g max
Yeast / Mold: 100cfu/g max
E. Coli: Negative
Salmonella: Negative
Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Negative
Shelf time: 2 years while properly stored
Package: 25kgs/carton or in aluminum foil bag
Medicinal functions: It can tonify the kidney, brighten the eyes, curing swirling, increase immunity.