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We pride ourselves on our customer service and place great importance on finding the right solution for each individual customer. We look for long term partnerships, and believe our audit proven methods will offer your company unrivalled opportunities to increase its returns from scrap metals. What’s more we guarantee that the prices we take are always very competitive.

  • Please note that whenever there are quality complaints, matter cannot be solved within hours or days. As per our experience it normally takes more than 7-21 working days to settle the problem. This time duration may exceed depends upon the gravity of the matter and the proceeds of the claim.
  • Please note that Supplier is interested to settle any claims arising out of his material, as supplier wants to have a reputed name in the market and wants to continue the business with existing buyers.
  • As an Indenter, we are always there to see that the buyer’s genuine claims are settled amicably and the buyer is satisfied with the efforts of Indenter. If we do not give service to buyers, they are not going to revert back with further orders.
  • Please note that in case of claim, Supplier and Buyer has to amicably arrive at a settlement and foresee the future business. During this process, Supplier and Buyer may have small financial burden, but we guarantee that we will reimburse/give concession in next orders and compensate for the loss.
  • As we are dealing with scrap and not semi-finished or finished products, we may sometime have some quality complaints in the material.
  • Supplier is not responsible for any claim, if the container is already unloaded.