ND brand power capacitor is produced strictly in accordance with IEC Standard.Lowing prices for savings,and best quality for long life.
1.Ambient temperature -25~+50,humidity≤85%RH,and altitude lower than 2000m.
2.Rated voltage:250VAC,400VAC,525VAC,750VAC,1050VAC
3.Rated output:1~100kvar.
4.Capacitance tolerance:0~+10%.
5.Tandent of the loss angle:With the power frequency rated voltage, tgδ≤0.1%
6.Withstand of voltage: Between terminals 1.75 times rated voltage for 10 seconds, between terminals and container 3kVAC for 10 seconds.
7.Max permissible over-ovltage:110%rated voltage.
8.Max permissible over-current:130%rated current.
9.Applicable standard: GB 12747-91/IEC60831-1988
Price Term: CIF