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Why King’s Elixir is good for you:


Unique phytonutrients present has anti-inflammatory properties that helps prevent and treats swellings, and joint pains

Helps in removing heavy metals such as mercury, aluminium and lead from the body

May prevent the occurrence of cancer as well as ease the maladies associated with cancer treatments

Contains strong antioxidants and potent anti-tumour properties.

Beneficial against high cholesterol levels due to high fibre content. Fibres are required to remove potentially carcinogenic toxins from the colon. Hence a diet high in fibre is crucial for prevention of cancer

Remedy for respiratory ailments including asthma and bronchitis

Relieves hypertension (lowers high blood pressure). High blood pressure is regarded as another risk factor for strokes and heart attacks

Helps lower cholesterol levels thereby preventing the risks of heart disease

Excellent remedy for indigestion and stomach or intestinal ailments

Relieves symptoms associated with tuberculosis

Regular intake is said to improve eyesight.

Contains anti-fungal properties. Effective in inhibiting yeast growth like Candida albicans

Excellent and effective expectorant where it expels mucus thereby relieving coughs and colds

Natural carminative – eases digestive problems by preventing and expelling gas from the intestinal tract

It relieves constipation and diarrhoea symptoms

Promotes well-being of the heart and enhances immune cell activity

Gentle and effective antihelmintic (de-worming) effect

As diuretic it promotes urine flow, improves kidney functions and reduces water retention

Has a stimulating effect especially on the liver and pancreas in the metabolism of fats and sugars

Reduces the toxic effects of alcohol on the body

Reduces fatty deposits in the body by increasing metabolic rate

Eases, regulates and promotes menstruation

Cleanses the blood and purges toxins from the body

Promotes lactation (milk secretion) in nursing mothers

Promote and improves libido (sex drive) and physical endurance (for both men and women)

Regular intakes significantly lowers blood sugar levels for patients with diabetes Type 1 and Type 2.

ideal for sinus and lung congestion treatments. It loosens and removes excess mucus and phlegm thereby alleviating coughs

Contains special phytonutrients that promotes healthy female reproductive system health and have been known to enlarge breasts in women

Strengthens the immune system in order to fight infections more efficiently

Lessens the effect of hot flushes, mood fluctuations and discomfort during menopause and PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome)

Relieves symptoms of morning sickness

It is a natural cure for heartburn and acid reflux

Helps reduce fevers

Promotes lactation in nursing mothers

Antiseptic properties promotes wound healing

Prevents and relieves symptoms related to the common cold

Improves digestion and metabolism

Aids body in generating heat and energy

Relieves dysentery

Can be used as a treatment for piles due to its high fibre content, mild laxative and carminative (relieves bloating and flatulence) properties

With its mild tranquilising effects, it can act as a relaxant for headaches and insomnia (sleeplessness)

Promotes strong and healthy skin, hair and nails

Triggers increased enzyme secretions that lead to better assimilation of nutrients during digestion

Boosts the ability of liver to detoxify the body

Helps boost memory and thought processes

Helps reduce fevers

Treats and protects against urinary tract infections

Has a mild heating and analgesic effect, it soothes ailments like arthritis and rheumatism

Relieves sore throats

Strengthens the body’s defences against infections and allergies

Reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis that could lead to heart attacks or strokes