Tradtional Chinese acupuncture , which is the procedure of inserting and manipulating filiform needles into various points on the body to relieve pain or for therapeutic purposes. this technology origins from China but should manipulated by the skilled doctor and the patient should bear pain when enjoying the treatment. however, now our new product which bring in overseas technology and combined with traditonal chinese acupuncture technology, far away from the pain from the needles and the help of the doctor, let you enjoy the treatment at every time and everywhere by yourself.
The acupuncture pen is applicable for pains in Cervical vertebrae ,shoulders,waist,feet,ect.
Relieve the pain:
shoulder pain
Chronic Lower Back Pain
Muscle pain
Knee pain
Ankle pain
Tennis Elbow Pain
Nerve Pain and many more
If for lady use, it also can have Facial skin Massage to make you more beautiful and younger. Just use this unit after applying cream on your face and begin the massage.
1) Select Facial Massage Ball which I flatten round.
2) Stimulate the face for 5 minutes.
3) Remove the cream on the face.