Descriptions of Meridian Health Analyzer
Meridian health analyzer is a kind of health and beauty equipment which integrates the latest computer technology and a large number of clinical experiences. It is developed based on traditional Chinese medicine and can detect the energy change of internal organs through 12 meridian acupuncture points within 5 minutes. This health equipment is widely used to test physical, mental conditions and internal organs status.The healthcare product scans the bio-energy levels in the body comprehensively and analyzes the conditions based on 1 million cases and clinical studies. According to the analysis, tester can give many testing reports, such as health
overview, potentially encountering diseases and professional health advices, and so on. The tested person can also get the prescriptions of health products, medicines, nutritional supplements, and massage therapy, etc.If necessary, further medical examination and treatment will be given to the
tested person based on the testing reports.
Features of Meridian Health Analyzer
1. Professional
A lack of energy in the meridians over a long time will lead to organic and even psychological discomfort. Our healthcare equipment can detect the health warning in advance. On basis of the test and analysis, health care suggestion can be given to tested person for necessary treatment. Similar system has been in use for Russian astronauts for over 15 years.
2. Fast
The complete test only takes 5 minutes.
3. Accurate
Since the database of the health equipment is built on stern health statistics and a large number of clinical cases, the testing is quite reliable. The accurate rate is more than 90%.
4. Early Health Warning Function:
With the help of this health instrument, the tested person can get the bioelectricity information of meridians at early stage. Once there is any abnormal phenomenon, the person can take measures directly, thus preventing illness from getting more serious.
5. Simple
Our meridian health analyzer is easy to operate. Any person can master the technique of detection and interpretation after a short-term training.
6. Convenient
Test can be done at any time and anywhere.
7. Safe
This healthcare equipment makes the checkup in a non-invasive way. It is not harmful.
Parameters of Meridian Health Analyzer
Operation system:Windows XP, Vista, Windows 2000, Window Me
Testing time: 5 minutes
Accuracy rate: 90%
Applications of Meridian Health Analyzer
Based on the testing reports, the users can get the information about health status and prescription.
Our meridian health analyzer is extensively used in beauty salon, SPA club, clinics, health examination centre, health care products shop, direct selling, massage center, etc.It can also be used for promoting health food and nutritional supplement, etc.Family use is also available.