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(H3PO4)Orthophosphoric acid industrial grade
1. content 75%; 85% and 98%;
2.good quality and best price
3.soonest delivery

(H3PO4)Orthophosphoric acid industrial grade


1. Name and characteristic:

Phosphoric acid, also known as orthophosphoric acid or phosphoric(V) acid, is a having the chemical formula H3PO4 Orthophosphoric molecules can combine with themselves to form a variety of compounds which are also referred to as phosphoric acids, but in a more general way. The term phosphoric acid can also refer to a or consisting of phosphoric acids, usually orthophosphoric acid.


2.Specification for industral application as below:

(H3PO4)Orthophosphoric acid industrial grade 75% and 85%

Purity,%:        75 min; 85min

Chloride, %:    0.0005 max

Sulfate, %:      0.005 max

Fe,%:             0.002 max

As, %:            0.005 max

Pb,%:             0.001 max