Product Main


STPP description:

Molecular formula: Na5P3O10
Molecular Weight: 367.86
CAS Number: 7758-29-4
HS CODE: 28353100 

1. Specification:
Na5P3O10 %----------------------------94min.
P2O5 Content%------------------------57min
Whiteness%-----------------------------92 min
Insoluble Matter%---------------------0.1max.
Fe%--------------------------------------0.015 max
Arsenic (As) %------------------------0.0003 max
Loss On Ignition (500degree)%-----------1 max
pH Value (1% Solution)--------------9.2-10.0
Bulk Density (g/cm3)------------------0.35-0.9
Water Insoluble Matter%-------------0.15 max
Heavy Metal(As Pb) %--------------- 0.001 max
Phase I %----------------------------------10-50

2.Packing: In 25kg or 50kg polyethylene film bag with outer polypropylene woven bag. Can be palletized.

Used as main detergent builder: As soft water agent, as detergent building foaning agent, as emulsifier of oils and greases, as peptizing agents, as pH buffers, and to provide alkalinity. Used in petroleum induatry as peptizing and deflocculation agents in oil well drilling muds, sequestration in cotton boiling, bath water softening, red and black water control, cathoclic corrosion in hibiter.