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The FRP enclosures It has advantages like corrosion-free, strength that almost matches metals and by increasing
wall thickness and optimum fiber alignment, the enclosure can be made with extra reinforcing at the edges.

  • Lower maintenance cost and long lasting services.
  • Lower tooling cost alternatives.
  • Lower thermal expansion.
  • Non-corrosive and immune to galvanic or electrolyte erosion.
  • Withstand high vibration and impact forces.
  • Excellent fatigue and fracture resistance.
  • Ability to fabricate multi directional mechanical properties.
  • Simplification of manufacturing by having whole unit as an integral piece without joints or welds.
  • High specific strength properties (20-40% weight savings)

  • Dirt and flecks are easily removed with soapy water or amino base cleanser cleaning product.
  • Stubborn dirt are easily removed or cleaned with abrasive cleanser, scrub sponge and bleach.
  • Clean regularly to keep it like new
  • Do not use wire brush to clean product or to corrode them with chemical with strong formular.
  • If the surface are contacted with strong cleanser, please proceed with water or soapy water to clean.