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Plant Source:
 Panax ginseng Extract
Used Part:
 The leaf stem and root  
Ginsenoside20% 80% HPLC /UV
Light yellow to white powder
Function & Usage:
Panax ginseng is best known as an adaptogen-- a substance that may help individuals cope with physical and emotional stress. As a part of traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, Panax ginseng has been used to treat almost every ailment from anxiety to cancer.Currently, it is used in dealing with the following medical situations:
(1) heart conditions, and for an overall health enhancer.
(2) lower blood levels of both sugar and cholesterol; In other studies, a combination of Panax ginseng and gingko is believed to boost memory and thinking processes.
(3) promote the growth of blood vessels, which could be valuable in treating extensive injuries.
(4) taking Panax ginseng orally improved male fertility by increasing sperm count, quality, and movement.
(5) frequently added to sports drinks or supplements as a way to enhance athletic performance, even though no evidence supports this use.
Purity :
Ginsenoside 20% 80%
Powder size
100% pass 80 mesh
Loss on Drying
Heavy Metals
Total Plate Count
Yeast & Mold