Product Main


Propylene oxide
CAS : 75-56-9
formula : C3H6O
molecular weight : 58.08
boiling point : 34 ° C
melting point : -112-112 ° C

Chinese name : 1, 2-


English title : Propylene oxide
1,2 - epoxy-propan
1,2-propylene oxide
2,3 - epoxypropane

traits Description : colorless, odor ethers with low boiling inflammable liquid. Industrial products for the two isomers of racemic mixtures. Solidification point -112.13 ° C, the melting point -112.13 ° C, the boiling point of 34.24 ° C and relative density of 0.859 (0 / 4 ° C), the refractive index of 1.3664, flash point <-37 ° C, viscosity (25 ° C) 0 .28 s mPa. With ethanol, ethyl ether immiscible with water immiscibility part [20 ° C water solubility of 40.5% (weight), propylene oxide in water solubility of 12.8%], and with dichloromethane, pentane, pentene, cyclopentane, cyclopentene formed binary azeotrope