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T2001 Long-chain Linear Alkyl Benzenesulfonic Acid
T2001 is a lubricant additive intermediate prepared from long-chain linear alpha-olefin (C20-24). It is the raw material of high-quality sulphonates for preparation of high quality engine oil.
Special features
■ High sulfonic acid content: ≥85%
■ Molecular weight ( ): ≥480
■ Free acid and low water content
■ Substituent: long chain(C20-24) linear structure
■ Major composition: monoalkyl benzenesulfonic acid, ≥85%
Apply to various premium sulphonates for production of lubricants:
·Low base, medium base and high base long-chain linear alkyl calcium sulfonate;
·Overbased long-chain linear alkyl benzenemagnesium sulfonate;
·Overbased long-chain linear sodium alkyl benzenesulfonate
The sulphonate dertergents prepared from this product possess excellent thermal stability, oil solubility, detergency, hydraulic stability and defoaming property, except for the differed acid neutralizing abilities for various products.
Typical value
Density (20oC), (ASTM D1298), kg/m3
Sulfonic acid content, (Q/JTH011, Affix A), m%
TAN, (ASTM D974), mgKOH/g
Free acid, (Q/JTH011, Affix A), m%
The enterprise standard Q/JTH011-2008
Packing and Handling
It is packed in 200 litre plastic drums. Store in dry, clean and well ventilated warehouses. For the details of health and safety precautions, please see the related Material Safety Data Sheet.