Privacy Screen Protector for Mobile Phone (Welcome OEM/ODM)
Material specification:
Properties Unit Specification Average(Test Values)
Total Thickness mm 0.190±10% 0.190
Tensile Strength kg/mm2 18 min, avg 20
Elongation 150min, avg 200
Adhesion to Steel g/25mm <10, avg 6(0.18)
Application Temperature() 30×2hr. -10-80
Transmission 95min 95
Haze 6max 5
Hardness H 3-4 3.5
Color: Oprically transparent
Test Method: In accordance with ASTM D-1000 method
Shelf Life : 6 months when storage in original carton at 25 and 65% reiative humidity
Installation Instructions:
1. Slightly dampen the enclosed microfiber cleaning cloth and carefully wipe the surface of the Notebook display to remove dust, debris and smudges.
2. Carefully remove the protective plastic covering from the rear of the screen protector by pulling the tab labeled Step 1 while using a firm flat edge (e.g. scrape card or license) to evenly apply the removable adhesive backing to the display.
3. Remove any excess air bubbles by using a firm flat edge (e.g. credit card or license) to work the bubbles toward the edge of the screen protector.
4. Carefully remove the protective plastic covering from the front of the screen protector by pulling the tab labeled Step 2 and the installation of your ADPO? product is complete.
Avalable for 7.0"-25.0"
Welcome OEM/ODM