American motorola IC adopted, England CIC-AEA sensor special new american technology, its high sensibility can detect the smoke density exceeds capacity,then the detector give out Sound & flash alarm,meanwhile,it send alarm sign to the alarm center.
1.Ionization detector
2.ceiling mounted
3.independcence/network/wireless output(optional)
4.Sound & flash alarm
5.Low power consumption
Technology parameter:
sensor: England CIC-AEA chamber
Operating voltage: DC 9V
working current : dc12v ,24v
Standby current: less than 10uA
Alarm current: 10mA - 20mA
Operating temp.: -5 to +60 degrees
Working humidity: less than 95%RH
Alarm mode: sound & flash alarm
Alarm volume: 85dB/(10 feet)
Sensitivity: adapt to U1217 standed ,3.2% weak smoke per feet the detector respond
Alarm output:Sound & flash alarm,auto reset after alarm(wired); alarm transmitting F:315M/433M ,transmitting distance:50m(with block)(optional)(wireless)
R size: R=105mm,H=38mm