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Product Description Horse Chestnut P.E.   [英文名称] Horse Chestnut P.E.   [拉丁名称] Aesculus Hippocastanum L.   [产品来源]娑罗果提取物为七叶树科植物七叶树Aesculus hippocastanum L.的果实提取物。   [产品性状]娑罗果提取物为黄棕色粉末。   [产品含量]按干燥品计,娑罗果提取物七叶皂甙Aescin≥20%   [检测方法] UV /HPLC   [药理作用]娑罗果提取物具有抗组织水肿,减低血管通透性和预防组织内水分存积,迅速消除局部水肿引起的沉重感觉和压力。可以治疗胃寒,作痛,脘腹胀满,疳积虫痛,疟疾,痢疾。   [包装]内用双层塑料袋,外用铝箔袋或纸板桶(25公斤/桶)   [保质期]两年 产品规格: 七叶皂甙Aescin≥20% There are 25 different species of Horse-Chestnut native to the temperate northern hempisphere. In North America they are referred to as "Buckeyes" and have 10 native species. Europe and Asia have 15 native species and they are reffered to as Horse-Chestnuts, some are also called "white Chestnuts" and "Red Chestnuts". In Britian they are sometimes called "Conker Trees" because of the relation with the game of Conkers. The name Horse-chestnut, hyphenated here to avoid confusion with the true chestnuts (Castanea, Fagaceae), is also often given as "Horse Chestnut" or "Horsechestnut". One species very popular in cultivation, the Common Horse-chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum is also often known as just "Horse-chestnut". Linnaeus named the genus Aesculus after the Roman name for an edible acorn. The use of the term "horse" refers to their strength or inedibility, the word "horse" originally meant strong or powerful, and does not here refer to their fitness as fodder for horses, except in folk etymology. The name buckeye derives from the resemblance of the seed to the brown eye of a buck (male deer), and horse-chestnut from the external resemblance of the seed to a chestnut, but being inedible. The Buckeye blooms in summer and the Horse-chestnut in late spring.