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Molecular formula:C3H7NO2            Molecular structure:
Molecular weight:89.09
CAS NO.:56-41-7
Description:White crystal or crystalline powder with special sweet taste, easily dissolves in water.,sparingly soluble in ethanol,and insoluble in ether.
Specification:AJI97  FCCV  USP30 
Function:In medicine,High optical purity of L-Alanine is an important chiral source used in synthesis of many types of drugs. And it is raw material to compose amino acid injection and oral liquid.
 In food industry, l-alanine is added in chemistry seasoning, drinks, organic acid, wine and salted food. As one important additive, l-alanine has the fuction of keeping fresh.
Package:< xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />25kg net weight cardboard drum lined with PE bag, or according to the customer`s demand.