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Refractory temperature above 2000 ℃ (℃) Brand 3M product category the United States fire clay materials Concrete, brick, gypsum board product description: 2 for pipe and cable bundles up the fire sealing 2 up to 4 hours fire rating products and system

Features: thermal expansion of 2 2 2 easy to install and absorb heat, release of crystal water 2 water-based material, easy to clean 2 smoke tightness, good air tightness 2 halogen formula technical data: at 23 ℃ and 50% relative humidity conditions, 2 Density: 1. 44 kg / L 2

Color: Red 2 expansion rate: 2. 8 to 3 times 2 eliminate sticky time : 10-15Min 2 flame spread rating: 5 2 storage conditions: below 82 ℃ in the dry environment 2 limited oxygen index: 0 to 32 after 2 international and domestic testing and certification of fire protection products of China Type Approval Certificate Application: 2 steel, brass cable bundle substrate 2 2 concrete, brick, gypsum board