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BioSpec Fingerprint Scanner< xml:namespace prefix = o />

 BioSpec Fingerprint sensor is high quality optical Fingerprint sensor with multispectral imaging technology sensing. BioSpec Fingerprintsensor captures accurate and high quality images by exposing thefingerprint surface and subsurface at the same time. You can depend on the venus series sensors to return superior images on anyone,anytime, in any environment.  Sensor's  multispectral  imagingtechnology  reads  the  surface  and  subsurface  very  clear,  clean images every time, even when surface feature are absent or hard to distinguish  due  to  age,  dirt,  finger  pressure,  and  skin  or environmental  conditions.  Our sensors enroll and verify every fingerprint including those that thwart conventional sensors. Solve failure to enroll and failure to acquire issues with BioSpec sensor.


BioSpec does provide real time finger positioning feedback capability including up, down, left, right and finger not present messages.

 BioSpec is able to image fingerprint in indirect sunlight up to 18,000 Lux.

 BioSpec is having spoof detection capacity to protect against fake and spoof fingerprints

 BioSpec does not give any degradation in image capture performance if the platen is covered with water.

 BioSpec utilizes dark field imaging

 BioSpec is able to capture the image of reasonable quality with dirt and chalk.

 BioSpec supports firmware upgrade in the field

 BioSpec  does  not  have  degradation  of  image  capture performance  based  on the  pressure applied  by  the  user.

Further if the image makes only the partial contact with the sensor, the sensor less than 5 square millimeter of contact, the sensor shall be able to image the entire fingerprint Specifications

BioSpec is able to capture a fingerprint image through a thin clear membrane such as cellophane in order to provide a hygienic capture alternative of users.


Sensor       Optical

Sensing Area 0.7" x 1.1" eclipse                                  

Environmental Rating IP65

Resolution 500 DPI                                                

Template Standard ANSI 378 compliance, Minex Certified

Image ANSI 381 Compliant

Placement to Image 1.0 seconds

Placement to template 2.0 seconds