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Fine Grain Graphite Blocks & Rods & Plate (GSK GRAPHITE) are vibro-compacted and available in various sizes and grades. It is manufactured by fine grain petroleum coke. Its grain size, depending on different production processes, deeply affects the performance. Graphite Blocks / Plates / Rods are variously used in many productions and applications, such as Batteries, Electric Motor Brushes, Alternator Brushes, Burner usage, Metallurgy, Semiconductor Manufacture, Aviatic application, Chemicals, Energy, Nuclear and Glass Industry etc.

Bulk Density: 1.72 g/cm3 min.
Electric Resistance: 8.5 μΩm max.
Flexural Strength: 13.5 MPa min.
Compressive Strength: 30 MPa min
CTE (100oC-600oC): 2.5 x 10-6/oC max.
Ash < 0.2%
Grain Size: 0.8mm

400 x 400 x 1800 mm, 500 x 500 x 1800 mm,

650 x 400 x 1800 mm, 830 x 400 x 1800 mm,
Dia. 150 - 400 mm x Length 1800 mm
Dia.400-1200 mm x Height 300 - 500mm
Special dimensions meet to customers’ requirements.