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Product: Menadione Sodium Bisulfite ( MSB) Menadione Nicotinamide Bisulfite( MNB) Appearance: White Crystalline Powder Application: Vitamin K3 can facilitate the formation of thrombin so as to speedup or maintain the normal concretion time of blood. As well as lowering blood pressure, it is also diuretic and strengthen liver's detoxification ability. Deficiency of VK3 will lead to longer concretion time of blood or to bleeding nonstop. That means even very small wounds may lead to the breach of blood vessels, resulting in extensive observable under-skin bleeding and bleeding of other apparatuses or organs such as: Muscles, brain, stomach, intestines, abdomen, urinary system, genital system and so on. More seriously, it may lead to hematuria and anaemia, even death. Package: 25kg/drum