Product Main


  1. Product Name: Senna Leaf P. E
  2. Latine Name: Folium Sennae
  3. Appearance: Yellow-Green Powder
  4. Active ingredients: Sennoside
  5. Detection Mothed: UV
  6. Specfication: 8%

  • Details:
Senna leaves and rhubarb roots are used as oriental laxative medicines. These plants contain a wide variety of compounds including monomeric anthraquinones, together with their glycosides and dimeric anthrones glycosides.

Sennosides are the purgative principles of these plants ~ and like other glycosides are metabolized by animals and humans into monomeric rhein or other anthraquinones which are the active metabolites.

The natural free anthraquinones are not effective and it has been confirmed that they are reduced into anthrones and anthranoles in the human intestine, and act as laxative compounds

The stimulant laxatives composed of the anthraquinones are the cause of the greatest side-effects and are often abused by the public, therefore the identification and analysis of anthraquinones in herbal samples, pharmaceutical preparations and biological fluids are of greatimportance.