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Artichoke Extract(AE) is extracted from the leaf of Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.),and contains a group of compounds known as caffeoylquinic acids with cynarin as the best known component contributing to its bioactivities.

Artichoke treat digestive upset, poor liver function, and a range of other ailments. Its primary use has been as a choleretic--a substance that strengthens liver function by increasing bile production, also has a centuries-old reputation as a diuretic (to increase urination).

Artichoke can help to ease upset stomach symptoms such as nausea, bloating, abdominal pain, and vomiting. Artichoke leaf is also reputed to relieve flatulence

The Brief Goods Discription:

Product Name: Artichoke Extract
Botanical Name: Cynara scolymus
Part Used: Whole Herb
Color: Yellowish Brown
Loss On Drying: 5% Max.
Assay(Cynarin): 5.0% MIn. (UV)
Sieve Analysis: 100% pass 80 mesh
Bulk density: 45-65g/100ml
Heavy Metals: 20ppm Max.
Residual Solvents: Eur.Pharm.