GVS16-40.5 Serial embedded poles type high voltage vacuum circuit breaker, apply for rated voltage 24kV, frequency 50Hz three-phase AC power system, widely used in power plants, transformer substation, petrochemical, metallurgical, manufacturing, airport And communities , use for electrical facilities’s protection and control, especially for frequently operating under the rated current Or more times for short-circuit current interrupting the place. With the VD4, VEP circuit breaker full realization of interchangeable . can be installed on the away-style or fixed air-insulated switchgear cabinet. The product accordance to GB1984(AC high voltage circuit breakers);, DL/T403(12 ~ 40.5kV Indoor AC high-voltage circuit breaker order technical conditions); and IEC60694, IEC6227-100 and other related standards.
GV16-40.5 series embedded poles type high voltage vacuum circuit breaker adapt to APG advanced technology, directly to put the vacuum interrupter Room and lead electrical circuit solid seal in epoxy resin post then become the way of solid sealing insulation, represents the highest level of the design and manufacture of high voltage vacuum circuit breaker today world.