Product Main


white solid or flakes with strong corrosiveness,easily soluble in water, presenting alkaline solution and heat liberation,presenting deliquescence when exposed to air.
Molecular Formula :NaOH
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) (m/m)99%min
sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) (m/m)0.8 %max
sodium chloride (NaCL) (m/m)0.08%max
erric oxide (Fe2O3) (m/m) 0.005% max
Uses :
basic and important chemical feed.used as textiles industry,printing,detergent,paper-making,soap-makinmetallurgy,glassenamel,medicament,oil-refining and making synthetic fiber,plastics,and many kinds of organic-mediacy,etc
Packing: 25kg pp woven bag.