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Molecular formula: MgCl2.6H2O
molecular weight: 203.31
Easily soluble in water and Ethanol White flakes, bitter

1. It is used as the adhesive of fireproof materials and it is also raw materials of the production of No.2.melting agent and metal magnesium.
2. It is an important raw material in the production of magnesium carbonate ,magnesium sulphate, magnesium oxide, magnesium hydroxide and other magnesium compounds in chemical industry.
3. It is an important raw materials in the production of light building materials such as: fiber glass tile, ornamental plate, sanitary ware ceiling ,floor brick, magnesia cement and other materials that are used in high-rise buildings.
4. It is used as the solidifying agent for protein in food industry, and used as additive in some food.
5. It is used as the melting agent in the transportation industry.
6. It is used in Medicine industrial .
7. It is used as chemical fertilizer in the agriculture