Product Main


Property of chloride:
  • Formula:                                       CH2F2/CHF2CF3/CF3CH2F
  • Boiling Point, ℃:                         -43.9
  • Vapor pressure(25℃),Mpa abs:            1.174
  •  Liquid density(25℃),kg/L:               1.136
  • Critical temperature, ℃:                86.74
  • Critical pressure,Mpa:                   4.619
  • Gas heat capacity(1 atm,25℃),KJ/(kgK):   0.829
  • Liquid heat capacity(1 atm,25℃),KJ/(kgK):1.54
  • Gas heat conductivity(25℃),W/(mK):       0.01314
  • Liquid heat conductivity25℃),W/(mK):     0.0819
  • ODP:                                      0
  • GWP:                                            1.526
Quality standard:
  • Odor: Slight ether
  • Color: Colorless,transparent
  • HFC-32,%(w/w):23±2
  • HFC-125,%(w/w):25±2
  • HFC-134a,%(w/w):52±2
  • Water,mg/kg≤:10
  • Acidity , mg/kg≤:1
  • Residue on evaporation,mg/kg≤:100
  • Non-congealing gas in gas-phase,%(v/v), ≤:1.5
Property and application:
R407C is a kind of refrigerant of surroundings-protection model,used in replacing R22 & R502.It has a good nature of cleaning,low poison ,non-combustion,good-refrigeration and so on,and greatly use in air-conditioner.