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Product Name: Sibutramine Hydrochloride
Molecular Formula: C17H26ClN.HCl
Molecular Weight: 316.31
CAS Registry Number: 84485-00-7 (125494-59-9)
Property: Sibutramine hydrochloridemonohydrate is a white to off-white crystalline powder, or white creamcrystalline powder, insoluble in water and soluble in grain alcohol .
Pharmacology It is an orally administered agent for treatment of obesity. It mainly becomeseffective through the metabolin of its amine;secondary amine and primary amine&, its main mechanism is increasing the feeling ofsatiation by controlling the reingestion of noradrenalin, serotonin 5-HT anddopamine, however, it has no evident effect on the release of noradrenalin,serotonin 5-HT and dopamine. Studies also shows that, this product and itsamine activated metabolin have no evident prohibiting effects, such as,choline-resisting, histamine-resisting, and monoamine oxidase. Sibutramine isthe first new weight-lreducing drug approved by FDA with recently 30 years.Therefore, its curative effect is safe and stable, is the most mature weight-reducingaid.
USE: Follow a reduced-calorie diet whiletaking sibutramine, as directed by your doctor. Sibutramine may be taken withor without food, on a full or empty stomach. However, if your doctor tells youto take it in a certain way, take it as directed.
Storage : Sealed
Shelf life : 3 years