The 4Hi reversible cold rolling mill can roll all kinds of carbon steel strip, fine steel strip, stainless steel, copper strip, aluminum and other metal strip. The operation is easy, the production efficiency is high and the product quality is good.
Features of SG450 fully-hydraulic high precision 4Hi reversible cold rolling mill
1. It has the hydraulic AGC automatic control function.
2. It has the hydraulic roll bending control function for exactly controlling the shape.
3. It has the skin pass function with the constant pressure control.
4. It is with the work rolls changing device and the backup roll changing device.
5. It adopts the advanced technology in the world.
2. It has the hydraulic roll bending control function for exactly controlling the shape.
3. It has the skin pass function with the constant pressure control.
4. It is with the work rolls changing device and the backup roll changing device.
5. It adopts the advanced technology in the world.