Product Main


Supercritical Clean & Drying system which uses supercritical CO2 is designed for Cleaning and drying ultra fine structures \. It is environment friendly cleaning and drying system also does not make any pollution when cleaning.
With its low viscosity, surface tension and high diffuseness, supercritical CO2 is able to penetrate even into very narrow and deep openings.
Advantages ;
-. Environmental compatibility
-.Emerging technology
-. CO2 Recyclable (Low CoO)
-. High throughput(240wph)
-. Compatible with multi chamber operation and multi wafer loading
Wafer Size : Up to 12”
10wfs / 1chamber
Control Temp & Pressure: ~ 100°C, ~300bar
Wafer cleaning ( Semiconductor & Solar wafer)
Photo resist stripping
Photo resist developing
Film deposition / Etching
DRY photo lithography
Sales Record
This system was developed with Government project for Green Project ( Environment Protection for Semiconductor Process )