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Planet Herbs Joymax is a nutraceutical product (natural medicine) to increase your stamina and vitality.As a natural supplement JoyMax contains potent herbs from ancient healing tradition. Ashwagandha and Safed musli are considered to be the most powerful reproductive tonics in the Ayurvedic tradition. Ginkgo is a potent circulatory enhancer from China and Korean ginseng is considered to be 'The King' of all tonics'. Shilajit is known in Sanskrit as ‘Conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weakness'. Ancient Persians and Egyptions revered Saffron as a potent aphrodisiac. Together these naturals product synergistically promise vitality, energy and stamina. Joymax is designed to be taken daily for extended periods.

Each of the ingredients adds some specific benefits to the formulation. The combined effect is greater than the sum of the parts - a concept known as synergy. The ingredients work together synergistically to make Planet Herbs Joymax an effective and safe natural product to promote healthy desire, vitality, energy and stamina.

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