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Chemical Formula: C14H12O2
Benzoin also named phenyl a-hydroxybenzyl ketone, Benzoin is the general name. It is organic compound(s), commonly used for chemical analysis, can also be used as disinfectant. It is also an effective antifoaming agent.
Appearance: white or light yellow crystal
Melting Point: 133~137℃
Boiling point: 344℃
1. The function of Benzoin is to eliminate air bubbles caused by the solution of powder coatings, which is also the main factor to eliminate pinhole defects of the coating.
2. Benzoin is suitable for all kinds of powder coating
3. Dosage: It should be 0.3-08.% of the total weight, subject to specific test
4. Usage: can be added directly, and extruded with other materials mixed
5. The dosage should be within a limit, for it can cause coatings yellowing