Infrared mammary therapeutic apparatus
This equipment is a high-tech product that main used in cure the female mammary disease, it is based on meridian therapy of traditional Chinese medical science, thought the micro-computer control, use the thermal radiation in the infrared, medicinal ion, and electric impulse act on the lesion tissue, promote the metabolism, change the excitability of nerve ending, make sure the lesion tissue in the high concentration status to cure the disease. It is good for cure the mammitis, hyperplasia of mammary, benign pulmonary, irregular cycles and the hormone unbalance. Especial for bosom training, female lactagotue in sucking period, it will have better effect.
Infrared, medicinal ion, electric impulse will operate together.
It can cure two patient at same time with the computer control.
Infrared intensity is 1-18 level, it can adjust continuous.
Seven treatment options to chosen.
Good treatment effect, in small volume, convenient to move.