Dithiophosphate 25S
Major component: Sodium dicresyl dithiophosphate
Description: Brown to dark brown liquid, specific gravity (20oC) 1.13, PH = 10-13, odorless.
Principal uses: Dithiophate 25S is a water solution made from dithiophosphate 25. it is an effective collector for copper, lead sulfide minerals. Because of its weak collective power to zinc sulfide it is usually used in the selective separation flotation of copper and lead sulfides from zinc sulfide minerals. This reagent may be fed to flotation circuit.
Specification: Sodium dicresyl dithiophosphate content 49-53%
Storage & Transport: To be protected from water, torrid sunlight and fire.
Note: This product is liquid, alkaline, and skin damage. Open bucket rubber gloves and goggles should be used, such as inadvertently stick to the skin or eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water, if the circumstances are serious medical treatment.