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The Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer replaces the need for ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic resonance or radiography for various health related conditions. Simply by holding sensors in your palm, health data will be collected within minutes from various body systems. The magnetic resonance analyzer offers new advantages in the field of material analysis. It has been shown that the applicability of such an analyzer exceeds the range of tissue analysis and other medical applications. The magnetic resonance analyzer measures the degree and type of response of a matter under test, and by comparison with reference matter it assists in recognizing deviations from the desired response.
Quantum Magnetic Analyzer: Principle of Analysis  
Human body is an aggregate of numerous cells, which continuously grow develop, split, regenerate and die. By splitting up, cells renew themselves. For adult people, about 25 million cells are splitting up every second and blood cells are constantly renewing at a rate of about 100 million per minute. In the process of cellular split-up and renewal, the charged bodies of nucleus and extranuclear electrons as the basis unit of a cell are moving and changing ceaselessly at a high speed as well, emitting electromagnetic waves without interruption. The signals of electromagnetic waves emitted by human bodies represent the specific condition of human body and therefore, different signals of electromagnetic waves will be emitted by the conditions of good health, sub-health, diseases, etc. The conditions of life can be analyzed if such specific electromagnetic wave signals can be analyzed.
The quantum resonant magnetic analyzer is a new instrument to analyze such phenomenon. The weak magnetic frequency and energy of human body are collected by holding the sensor, and after amplification by the instrument and treatment by the built-in micro-processor, the data are compared with the standard quantum resonant spectrum of diseases, nutrition and other indicators incorporated in the instrument to judge whether the sample waveforms are irregular using the Fourier approach. Analysis and judgment can thus be made on health condition and main problems of the testee based on the result of waveform analysis, as well as standard protective and curative proposals.
Analysis Items  
The method of quantum resonant magnetic analysis is an emerging rapid, accurate and non-invasive spectral testing method and particularly suitable for comparison of curative effects medicine and health products, and check of sub-health conditions. The main analysis items are over 30, including cardiovascular and cerebrovascular condition, bone mineral density, trace elements, blood lead, rheumatism, lung and respiratory tract, nephropathy, blood sugar, stomach and intestines, liver and gall, cranial nerves, gynecology, prostate, bone disease, the trace elements of selenium, iron, zinc and calcium, etc.
Functional Characteristics  
Prediction without symptoms: With only 10 or so cells of pathological change, the analyzer can capture the change pathological changes of cells and predict the precursor of disease. By taking health-care actions at this moment, you will be enabled to effectively prevent the various chronic diseases.
Speed and accuracy: Multiple indicators of your health can be obtained within minutes. This analysis method is designed to save your time and energy. The database of the analysis system has been established with scientific method, strict health statistic treatment and demonstration of a large number of clinical cases, leading thus to a high analysis accuracy.
Non-invasive and painless: The analysis will tell you the condition of your health without hemanalysis or radiography.
Simple and convenient: It is easy in operation and in general, people will be able to analyze and interpret the result through short-term training. Health check can be performed in any place and at any time, saving the time of patients. The cost for analysis is adequate and can be accepted by most consumers.
The following 16 health reports shall be given:
1. Basic Physical Quality Analysis
2. Blood Sugar Analysis
3. Bone Disease Analysis
4. Bone Mineral Density Analysis
5. Brain Nerve Analysis
6. Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Analysis
7. Gallbladder Function Analysis
8. Gastrointestinal Function Analysis
9. Gynecology Analysis
10. Human Toxin Analysis
11. Kidney Function Analysis
12. Liver Function Analysis
13. Lung Function Analysis
14. Pancreatic Function Analysis
15. Rheumatoid Bone Disease Analysis
16. Trace Elements Analysis (Ca+, Fe, Se, Pb, Zn, Vitamin, etc.)

El Sistema Cuántico Bio-Eléctrico:
Principio del Análisis
El cuerpo humano es un conjunto de numerosas células que continuamente se están desarrollando, dividiendo, regenerando y muriendo. Al dividirse las células se renuevan. En los adultos, alrededor de 25 millones de células se dividen cada segundo y las células de la sangre se renuevan constantemente a una velocidad de aproximadamente 100 millones por minuto. En el proceso de división y renovación celular, las partículas con carga del núcleo y los electrones extranucleares; unidades básicas de una célula, se mueven sin cesar a altas velocidades, emitiendo ondas electromagnéticas ininterrumpidamente. Las señales de las ondas electromagnéticas emitidas por el cuerpo humano representan el estado específico del cuerpo humano y por tanto, se emitirán señales diferentes dependiendo si el estado de salud es óptimo, débil, o grave. El estado de salud podrá ser analizado mientras que las señales de dichas ondas electromagnéticas puedan ser analizadas.
El Sistema Cuántico Bio-Eléctrico
El Sistema Cuántico Bio-Eléctrico es una nueva herramienta que analiza este fenómeno. La energía y la baja frecuencia magnética del cuerpo humano se captan al sostener el sensor, y a continuación el equipo las amplifica y las analiza mediante el microprocesador que incorpora. Los datos se comparan con el espectro cuántico de resonancia magnética estándar de enfermedades y de nutrición, así como con otros indicadores incorporados en el equipo para diagnosticar si las formas de las ondas presentan irregularidades a través del uso de la aproximación de Fourier. De esta manera se puede realizar el análisis y diagnóstico del estado de salud y obtener los principales problemas del paciente, también como distintas propuestas estándares de curación o prevención, basándose en el resultado del análisis de la forma de la onda.
El método de análisis cuántico de resonancia magnética es un emergente método de detección espectral, rápido, preciso y no invasivo, lo que lo hace especialmente apropiado para la comparación de los efectos de curación de diferentes medicinas y productos médicos, y para la comprobación de posibles estados anormales de salud. Los principales elementos de análisis ascienden a más de 30, e incluyen: la condición cardiovascular y cerebrovascular, la densidad mineral ósea, los oligoelementos, la intoxicación por metales pesados, el reumatismo, los pulmones y el tracto respiratorio, la nefropatía, el azúcar en la sangre, el sistema gastrointestinal, el hígado y la vesícula biliar, los nervios craneales, ginecología, la próstata, enfermedad de los huesos, rastros de selenio, hierro, zinc y calcio, etc.