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Molecular formula: CaCl2
Molecular weight: 110.98
CAS No.: 10043-52-4
HS NO.: 2827200000
USE:The inorganic industry serves as the manufacture calcium metal, the barium chloride, each kind of calcium salt (for example calcium phosphate and so on) raw material. the building industry serves as the antifreeze, accelerates the setting of concrete and increases the construction mortar cold resistant ability. serves as the aluminum magnesium metallurgy the protecting agent, the refining agent. in addition, but also serves as the fabric the fire proofing agent, the harbor defroster, the road surface collection dust medicinal preparation and food antiseptic and so on.
White porous massive, granular or honeycomb-shaped solid
Boiling point
Melting point (M.P.)
Relative Density
Properties:White porous massive, granular or honeycomb-shaped solid. Taste micro painstakingly, odourlessness. The peroxide solution is colorless.
Packing: 25kg bags,1000kg big bags