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OmiScan Gas diagnostic gas analyzer

It is a new Diagnostic Gas Analyser.
Five gas can be tested: HCs, CO, CO2, NOx and O2
Testing accuracy reaches or over OIML Class 0 standard and BAR97 standard:
CO: accuracy range is -0%-15%, standard accuracy is 3%
CO2: accuracy range is -0%-20%, standard accuracy is 3%
NOx: accuracy range is -0-5000ppm, standard accuracy is 1%
O2: accuracy range is 0%-25%, standard accuracy is 1%
HCn-ethane: accuracy range is 0-2000ppm, standard accuracy is 3%
HCn-third: accuracy range is 0-3000ppm, standard accuracy is 5%
The OmiScan Gas is fully portable and comes as either a 4 or 5 gas analyser designed for workshop and on road testing. The unit consists of a base station, containing the pump, filters, oxygen and NOx cells, where communication is via Bluetooth® wireless technology to a hand held display and control unit.
The technician can display a single gas, or up to all 5 gases at one time depending on preference. OmiScan Gas can also display Lambda, Air Fuel Ratio and corrected CO measurement. (Engine RPM and temperature via Bluetooth™ is also available. ) The OmiScan Gas offers the same accuracy as a MoT Gas analyser to OIML Class 0, with an exceptionally fast response time and BETs test. The OmiScan gas also has an extremely rapid warm up time of around 2 minutes. The Base Station and handset are fully re-chargeable with a battery life in excess of 4 hours.
All information can be downloaded to a PC and up to 1 hour of recorded readings of all data and can be displayed in line or bar graph format. This function allows the included software to suggest where problems may exist, by using the guided diagnostics. For example, typical faults that can be pin pointed include ignition problems, air leaks, oxygen sensor faults, faulty catalysts and many other related problems.
Using the OmiScan Gas on road test allows the technician to identify faults that only occur when the vehicle is driven. To enable this, the handset remains in the cab with the technician and is connected via Bluetooth wireless technology to the gas analyser in the boot. The snap shot facility included on the handset is especially useful for the diagnosis of intermittent faults...