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Ammonia (NH3-N) to free ammonia (NH3) or ammonium (NH4 +) form in the water, both the composition of the ratio depends on the pH value and temperature of the water. When the pH value is high, a high proportion of free ammonia. On the contrary, the high proportion of ammonium salt, the water temperature is the opposite. Major sources of water, ammonia nitrogen in domestic sewage by microorganisms to decompose organic products, some industrial wastewater, such as coking wastewater and ammonia fertilizer plant wastewater, as well as agricultural drainage. In addition, anaerobic environment, the existence of nitrite in water can also be affected by the action of microorganisms, reduced to ammonia. In the aerobic environment, water, ammonia can also be transformed into nitrite, and even continue into nitrate. Determination of various forms of nitrogen compounds, useful for evaluating the water is polluted and the "self-purification" situation. More sensitive to ammonia in water fish, when the nitrogen content will result in fish kills.
The instrument measured using Nessler colorimetry of ammonia in water, the method is simple, sensitivity characteristics. The principle is mercuric iodide and potassium iodide in alkaline solution with ammonia to produce reddish brown colloidal compounds, the color in a wide wavelength strongly absorbed within, usually measured in the 410nm-425nm wavelength range. This method can be used: surface water, industrial wastewater, sewage and other water quality measurements. Water, calcium, magnesium and iron and other metal ions, sulfides, aldehydes and ketones, color, and turbidity Dengjun interfere with the determination, to be pretreated accordingly.
MW18CM-03N portable analyzer is compact and energy of the new water quality monitoring equipment. The instrument was designed small, easy to carry. Digital processing technology, direct display measurement results, easy to use, intuitive. Suitable for on-site field monitoring and emergency response monitoring. Instrument can be car cigarette lighter plug power supply, but also can be used portable batteries manufactured by our company. Instrument can also be a laboratory in a ~ 220V power converter using a dedicated power supply, so that the AC and DC.

Tester Specifications

The detection limit 0.01g / L
Measuring range 0.02mg/L-5.00mg/L
± 5% relative error
Operating temperature 5 ℃ -35 ℃
Weight 1kg
Dimension 270mm × 190mm × 170mm