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DENSO supersoft light weight body filler is a semiflexible unsaturated polyester resin based body filler which has excellent adhesion, easy application and sanding properties.In conjunction with Benzoyl Peroxide paste as hardener, it readily hardens even at low temperature conditions. It gives tack-free surfaces without any shrinkage during curing. 
Density :          1.05-+0.05kgs/L, 20 centigrade
Color:                off-white 

APPLICATION: DENSO supersoft light weight body filler can be applied by putty spatulas and flexible rubberson ALUMINUM,GALVANIZED STEEL,WOOD, SMC,FRP as well as old painted surface..It must be applied on thermoplastic and washprimer surface. 

MIX RATIO: body filler:100; hardener:2-3 

GEL TIME: 4-8 mins; SANDING TIME:20-30 mins under 25 centigrade with P100-P180 sand paper 

DENSO supersolf light weight body filler should be kept in its original can in a cool place with the lid securely closed.Under suitable conditions, it can be stored for one year at temperature up to 25 centigrade.
  1.  Flammable.Harmful if inhaled. Vapors may cause flash fire. Irratating to eyes and skin.
  2. Do not eat, drink or smoke while using this product. Do not breathe the vapors.
  3.  Use only well ventiliated areas away from heat and flames.