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MDL- 500 Diode Laser Instrument
Irradiation treatment principle
MDL-500 medical semiconductor laser instrument , exports high power, longest wavelength, strong penetrability. High laser energy also can import personal deep organization, which are used for treating joint with acupuncture and diseases parts. Have much effective, such as ease pain, diminish inflammation , contradict infection, promote organization rehabilitate. Adjust inside body balance. Stimulate to produce more. Promote wound cicatrize.
Its output power is 0 to 500mw, which can be regulated continuously. Laser output is stable. That has small volume, light weight , good operation, extensively treat, bring expediently.
Adaptive symptom
Nonnasality department: hemodia, stomatitis, exfoliation lip, nonnasality viscidity, after pulling out teeth, acute pericoronitis, trigeminal pain, disorganized mandible and joint.
Bone wound department: shoulder-joint inflammation, scathing parenchyma, tennis ball elbow, strained waist, promote cicatrization after operation, arthritis.
Nerve department: migraine, facial nerve paralysis, zona, neurlgia, scathing brain sequela.
Dermatology department: canker, bedsore, psoriasis, itch skin, dermatitis, bare fleck, honeycomb system inflammation.
Department of gynaecology: dysmenorrhea, pelvic infection, vulvitis, mastitis, wean pneumonia, diarrhea, enuresis, asthma.
Department of facial features: pharyngitis, acute tonsillitis, nasal septum debaucjed, nasosinusitis, auricle inflammation, tympanitis.