HONEYBEE Multi-head Strip Type CNC Cutting Machines are widely used in H-shape steel factory to service high precision, high efficiency and quality metal cutting. Main features:
Longitudinal strip cutting torches are installed on the face of crossbeam. The cutting heads quantity is decided by clients. Max. 20 cutting heads can be installed on a cutting machine of 6 meters cutting width. Transverse cut torches can be installed on the back according to client’s requirements. Except manual height control, the ongitudinal strip torches can be lifted individually or controlled as a group. There are individual control system on the front and back of the machine to control the corresponsive cutting parameters.
Longitudinal strip cutting torches are installed on the face of crossbeam. The cutting heads quantity is decided by clients. Max. 20 cutting heads can be installed on a cutting machine of 6 meters cutting width. Transverse cut torches can be installed on the back according to client’s requirements. Except manual height control, the ongitudinal strip torches can be lifted individually or controlled as a group. There are individual control system on the front and back of the machine to control the corresponsive cutting parameters.
HONEYBEE Multi-torches Strip Cutting Machine can be installed CNC flame torches on the front and Longitudinal strip cutting torches on the back. It is a compound cutting machine with CNC cutting and multi-torches strip cutting.